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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Keeping Up Aperients

Couldn’t be better said. Also, full support from the MDT on this (in this case, nurses), as far as honestly, all of us feeling the performative BS nature of all of it - whether it’s socks for docs or ‘nurses day/week/month/blah blah’. I can’t think of a single ‘celebrate the nurses’ day where I’ve actually made it for the health-and-wellness-restoring, burnout-curing, free pizza or burgers (although I did walk by once, on my way to from one ward to another, having missed lunch, and noticed all the exec team there!?!? HA! Sounds right. The high-pressure to comply and celebrate ‘it’s YOUR day! Take care of YOU! Have YOU accessed your EAP support?? Have YOU done your ‘take a minute to breath and have a snack’ (as per the poster by the urinalysis machine, which is, you know, in the pan room…a great place to not breathe deeply…) — harped on during every handover/scrum during the aforementioned day/week…while the rest of it is spent talking about how people are ‘misusing the reporting systems’ and ‘if you haven’t taken your tea break at 9:15 when your TL says to, there will be consequences, we don’t want to treat you like children but…and also, bloods and ECGs are not being done in a timely manner…’


Crazy socks, like so many of these initiatives (minus EBs!) - noble thoughts behind. Useless without actual systemic changes. I think it says a lot that doctors and nurses I work with find more validation, catharsis, and support, via insta/sub stacks like this, than through the ‘have you picked up your Thank You pebble and fortune cookie?’ Initiatives…

<3 anyway. Keep up the amazing work. In the words of last night’s (regrettably somewhat delirious) patient: ‘I can’t believe there aren’t more staff. You should all get raises. Those fat cats sitting up there are all the same.’ Maybe he wasn’t that delirious…

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